This has been a long time dream of mine to start a blog all about design, entertaining, DIY and things I love to share. I’ve hesitated with this dream for way to long, letting too many excuses get in the way. Have you ever done something like that?
Well, this New Year is bringing about new disciplines for me. I let go of some things last year so I could focus on my God given talents. It’s been so freeing and I actually look forward to my days and what I’ll accomplish. Prior to feeling this freedom, I had worked hard at another venture that didn’t product the kind of results that made my time worth it. My pride got in the way and I just wouldn’t let go. My husband, who’s very analytical, was very patient with me this time. And as I poured into my faith, the dreams God planted within me, truly looking at what I LOVE to do (that doesn’t seem like work), I found the light.
Thank you LORD! (I’m stubborn sometimes.)
A little about me…
I’m an Interior Designer by trade and education. I’ve worked in many different fields of design including kitchen design, corporate aircraft design (super fun!), exhibit design (a slight detour), and running my own firm (part time to very part time as I raised my kids). I love all things that relate to renovation and DIY, and believe strongly that you don’t have to spend a ton of money to get a great look.
I am a mom of three amazing kids. They make me laugh, call me mom, and hold my heart. I have an amazing lover who’s been by my side for 24+ years, and counting. He grounds me, keeps me on my toes and always supports me in my crazy dreams. Positive outlooks dominate my world. I can’t stand pessimism because there’s just too much good in the world.
My faith is what got me to where I am today, and I’m forever a work in progress. I let go of being a perfectionist, and have embraced the fact that we can all be “flawsome”!
A little about this blog…
This blog will incorporate all I know, and continue to learn about design. I’m passionate about sharing lifestyle tips that make your home happy. These will include entertaining ideas, crafts, real-life DIY projects, my home’s journey, designer secrets, and all that inspires me. Whatever you take from this information, I pray it helps you in some way.
We are called to share our talents with others, and this is what you’ll get from me…honest, fun, inspirational, creative and one-of-a-kind ideas. I welcome all input and questions. If you’d like to learn about something specific to make your life and home more beautiful, don’t hesitate to ask.
One thing I can’t stand is when people think there are hard fast rules in design. That’s a myth! I’ll share stories and projects that debunk what some think to be the only way. Design is creative, and everyone’s style is unique to them. I’m here to help you find yours (if you don’t know it already), and to show you glimpses of mine. Sharing is caring, so they say.
I welcome you to my fun, new journey to make life beautiful! Please be sure to say hello, and share one thing you’d love to learn to make your home shine with personality.
Here’s to honoring God with what I create! Here’s to honoring you for joining me!
Cheers and blessings!