Easter is hop-on us!
Hee hee, I couldn’t resist.
With celebrations being prepared, menus created and invitations sent, it’s time to think of how to decorate a table. I value a well-set table. It not only sets the tone of the meal, but to me…it also tells the people you’re breaking bread with that you think they are special and you love them.
Adding special touches that make the table look special is something I always remembered and loved as a child. My two grandmothers loved to cook. One was more “meat and potatoes”, while the other was “chocolate mousse, served in chocolate bowls, garnished with a chocolate leaf (which was molded from a leaf off her tree). I know, pretty fancy right!?
My Mimi was a designer, through and through. Everything from her home, to her table settings, to how she wrapped her gifts, showed how much care and thought she put into celebrating life together; it was always a memorable “experience”. I’m not quite sure what she’d think of gift bags, but who knows…maybe she would have loved them after she added her special touches.
This Easter we’re invited to dine with a family of friends who truly has become our family out here in the mountains. It’s an honor to join them. Ever since we moved away from our big crew in Texas, it’s just been us. And this year, our oldest is away at college so our nest of five is now down to four. BUT this Easter, we’re multiplying like rabbits on Easter Sunday as we share the holiday with dear friends. My heart is full.
[clickToTweet tweet=”It’s a beautiful thing when family becomes friends and friends become family.” quote=”It’s a beautiful thing when family becomes friends and friends become family.”]
That leads me to “the table”.
I want to bring something that will say “thank you” to our hostess, my friend’s sweet mama, for having us in her home. I found a handful of DIY ideas that are inspiring me. Take a look and see which one you love best. Maybe you’ll find ideas from several different table settings and create your own unique look. If you do, I’d love to know what you come up with!
Table Inspiration
I love the simplicity of these place settings. You can easily find mini nests at any craft store, and eggs are abundant this time of year. Instead of fake eggs, you could even use chocolate ones. Yum!
These little candle eggs are fabulous. Remove the egg from the shell, wash it and you have the perfect shell to add a wick and candle wax. Target has some cardboard egg containers in their dollar section.
Now, if you like working with wood and have scraps lying around like we do, this would be a simple project to build (the box). Fill it with flowers, top with moss and hard boiled eggs and you have a rustic, yet beautiful centerpiece.
I’ll be honest with you…I have NEVER thought about putting carrots in a vase, filled with water and flowers, but it totally works. People will definitely comment on that idea…and they could even grab a snack if they’re hungry.
Another fun box idea. The glass full of jelly beans is simple and colorful. I’ll be you can’t eat just one.
I love the idea of making a tiered tray into an Easter display. Here they added some green plastic grass with eggs. Chocolate ones at that! I laugh when I see all the plastic greenery that is in now. It reminds me of things we had when I was little, in the 70s before silk plants took over. Everything comes back around if it’s good…and here we have plastic plants once again.
Source Unknown
I can’t find the source for this, but I love the branches that were cut. Take a look around your yard or neighborhood and see where you can clip a few. Add them to your favorite container (vase or pitcher), hang a few cute items from them…and wha –la…you have a stunning centerpiece.
Every table needs delicious treats and here’s one I love!
This is one of my favorite ways to serve deviled eggs. Being from Texas, we love a little spice in just about anything. And you can never go wrong with bacon! If you’ve never tried this recipe, let me know what you think of it.
Now I simply have to choose what I’m going to take with me on Sunday. Which Easter idea inspired you the most for your table setting? Do you have one of your own creations that’s worth sharing? We’d love to know!
I wish you the most blessed Easter. It’s a time of renewal and reflection. May you make beautiful memories with those you love, eat delicious food and enjoy a fabulously well-set table!
God bless you all,
Hoppy Easter!
PS…Be sure to keep track of our progress in the One Room Challenge. Slow and steady as we go…